F.A.I.R. Program

Our F.A.I.R. Program and Faith Teams are honoring the work of clergy during Clergy Appreciation Month. This train will be making several stops this month across Georgia and Mississippi! All Aboard!

We’re hosting events for clergy in Belzoni and Clarkdale in the Sip, and Newnan and Lincolnton in Georgia. We’ll have something special for everyone that attends. To join us, click the button below for event listings under ‘Clergy Appreciation Month’.

Faith and Innovation Resources

Fair Count’s Faith and Innovation Resources (F.A.I.R.) Program is committed to helping faith organizations stay connected to their congregations and the communities they serve. Fair Count stands ready to help ensure faith institutions are equipped to survive and thrive throughout this digital transformation.

WHAT IS f.a.i.r.?

The F.A.I.R. Program is a partnership through which Fair Count offers faith institutions FREE commercially available church management software, the Faith App, with ongoing personal support. There are no restrictions for size, location, or denomination; for the next year, we provide the Faith App and tech support at no cost to congregations interested in increasing their reach using technology.

How DO I Sign Up?

If your faith institution is ready to sign up for F.A.I.R., please complete this application form. Once it’s processed, a member of Fair Count’s Faith Team will reach out to begin the onboarding process, start your account activation, and collect institution membership info (Fair Count will not contact your members and will not share your info with third-party organizations). Then we’ll help you schedule a training for you and/or your leadership team during our Virtual Office Hours

What If I have More questions?

We hold Virtual Office Hours each month, we’re happy to send over more information, or we can schedule a one-on-one meeting! Pick an option below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can:

Sign up for office hours

Request More FAITH APP Info

Schedule a one-on-one video meeting

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