ELected Officials Toolkit
Whether you are a member of Congress, governor, state legislator, mayor, councilperson, school board member, or other elected official, your respectable standing and ability to mobilize your constituents is critical to achieving full participation and representation in the 2020 Census. As a candidate, you were able to mobilize and engage your community, and those same networks can guide the establishment of Complete Count Committees and the identification of local organizers and volunteers. Now, as an elected official, you can lead the charge by reaching into your community, through local networks and partnerships, in a way that others canʼt.
Fair Count has designed this toolkit as a guide for understanding the 2020 Census and its importance. The kit will also help you set up your own Complete Count Committee to ensure that your constituents are fully counted and accurately represented, and it will also tips on messaging the census to your community. You are a vital component of the efforts to ensure that EVERYONE is counted!